It’s another busy couple of months for events in October and November! I’ll be appearing at the following festivals run by fabulous folks.
Hawkes Bay Readers & Writers Festival
Saturday, 19 October: Ageless Magic, with Shelley Burne-Field and Claire Mabey, chaired by Catherine Robertson
Nelson Arts Festival – Pukapuka Talks
Saturday, 26 Oct: Mythology & Mystic Realism, with Lee Murray, chaired by Claire Mabey
Auckland – Ladies’ Litera-tea
Sunday, 27 October: At the legendary Women’s Bookshop Ladies’ Litera-tea with lots of other amazing writers!
Queenstown Writers Festival
Thursday, 31 October: The Business of Writing
Saturday, 2 November: Adventures for Middle Grade Readers (NB: a session for adults, with free child entry)
See you there!