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My Year of Reading (and Writing) 2023

I had hoped to finish this by the end of the year but it became somewhat of a behemoth. As demonstrated in my last round-up, 2022 was a huge reading year for me. I revelled in reading wherever my interests led me and knocked off about 60 books (partly helped by the fact I judged an award). In 2023 I wasn’t quite so greedy. I think it was partly because I wasn’t immersed in one writing project as I was in 2022; instead I bounced around between different things (the lot of a jobbing writer I guess?). Therefore, my reading didn’t feel quite as immersive and wondrous — to be honest it was a bit all over the place ­– and maybe I started taking the reading freedom for granted a bit more. I tried to read a book a week but failed, possibly because I also consumed a lot of good television, which I love.

Read the full story on Medium.